You can register to vote in San Mateo County if you are a US Citizen, at least eighteen years old and living in the County when you register.
You can find registration forms at Post Offices, most public libraries, most offices of the Department of Motor Vehicles, and many City Halls. You can also request a registration form by mail, fax (see below) or phone: 415/312-5222.
The last day to register for this election is Monday October 7. The registrar will accept forms that are postmarked as late as October 7 if they are recieved by October 11; if you mail your form shortly before the deadline, ask to have it hand-cancelled at the post office to ensure that you have a good postmark date.
The most common way to request an absentee ballot is to use the form that will be included in the sample ballot mailed to you in late September.
You can also request an absentee ballot by letter or fax to:
Election OfficeYou letter must include your residence address, the mailing address (if different, such as a PO Box), your full name (printed or typed!) and your signature.
40 Tower Road
San Mateo, CA 94402
Fax: 415/312-5348.
Absentee ballots must be recieved (not mailed) by 8:00 pm on election day. You may mail your ballot in, drop it off at county offices in Redwood City or San Mateo (your ballot will have addresses) or drop it off at a polling place in San Mateo County on election day.