This page has a variety of letters written by people from our Coastside community.

Zoe Kersteen-Tucker has some clarifying comments about the opposition to Measure T.

When the opposition tries to claim that Measure T limits our options, show them this letter which shows the exact reason why we have no options at all right now.

How can we believe Caltrans' claims about the cost of a bypass? After their estimate for the retrofit of the Bay Bridge, we can't, says Aaron Rudger.

Do we need or want another LA? Janet Prochazka says that our community conscience dictates no!

Ginny Wilson asks whether we shall we sacrifice a precious and unrenewable coastal resource in the name of "progress"?

We need an immediate and accurate estimate of the bypass so we can make informed decisions when we vote on Measure T, says Denise Gambucci.

Is Measure T a subversion of the community, or a true expression of democracy in action? This letter also takes a look at many of the most commonly-heard criticisms of Measure T and the most common praises of the bypass freeway.

If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing right!

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